The puppy was dropped off at the Cleveland Animal Protective League last month after his mother died, and his owner was no longer able to care for him. Shelter resident Mrs. Rabbit, a stray cat with kittens of her own, took on the task of nursing the little puppy back to health.
The new family, which includes Mrs. Rabbit's two kittens, Thumper and Friend Owl, are all getting along swimmingly. They have spent the past month together, and will stay together one more month until they are ready to be adopted.
Bambi has already found an owner, but Mrs. Rabbit and her kittens are still looking for their forever homes. Let's hope they find them soon!
Bonus cuddling action:

awwww how beautiful, I really hope the kittens and their very special mama rabbit find homes too!
OMG, how incredibly sweet! What a special momma kitty. I hope that she and her kittens are adopted into loving homes soon.
this is officially one of the cutest things i have ever seen...:O)
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