After the sudden passing of Japanese kitten Wasabi-chan in August, her owner has decided to keep the kitten's memory alive by opening her heart and home to another cat in need.

Jessiepon recently introduced the world to Ichimi, a tiny tabby with the face of an angel. Through photos released on Wasabi-chan's Instagram account, we've learned that the kitten was abandoned by her mother, and is gaining weight steadily through bottle-feeding.

Ichimi was quickly accepted by the furry and feathered members of Jessiepon's household, including Ponzu the Golden Retriever. The protective pup was left heartbroken after the death of little Wasabi-chan, but has already showered the new kitten with kisses and cuddles.

Wasabi-chan can never be replaced, but the rescued kitten has provided much needed comfort to her grieving family and fans. We wish much love to Ichimi, and hope that she lives a long and healthy life!

You can follow Ichimi's progress on Instagram at @shimejiwasabi.
Via Instagram (@shimejiwasabi)

why can't i birth kittens instead of children?!
OMC! Ichimi is so adorable. How wonderful of Jessiepon to adopt another baby in need. And beautiful that the other animals in the house already love Ichimi. <3
What a beautiful little kitty! It should really help heal Jessiepon's sad heart.
What a little cutie! Wasabi-chan was adorable as well. RIP, sweet angel.
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