Cats Score Big Time with Target HAUL
So you know that thing where you go to Target to pick up a few things, and end up leaving with a new sundress, crap from the dollar bin in the front, and whimsical owl tumblers?
Britney and Lizzy's human recently took a trip to the bullseye, resulting in a splendor of riches for her sassy talking teen kitties -- and some hilarious catfights over collars, treats, and catnip.

With thanks to my friend Caren from Cat Chat with Caren & Cody for the find!

definitely keep Brittany and lizzy going!!! this is exactly the way my 5 cats act like when we leave the room!!!! they are hilarious!!!! just too cute
This is the best thing ever! I love it!!!
I loved that!
Sue B
I posted that on Facebook yesterday, love it!
oh wait!!! I just saw that that is where you saw it!! Thanks for the shout out!!!
LOL....I think Wubbikins needs to start making talking videos!
That was hilarious!! I want to know where they got those fake cat legs for the catfights. MOL.
Thanks again for the HK photos. The post is up today if you want to see it:
I am embarrassed to say this is thre 5th time I have watched this video. OMC it is SO funny!
This is great!!
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