Keyboard Cat Animatronic Plush from ThinkGeek
It's been nearly two years in the making, but the highly anticipated Keyboard Cat Animatronic Plush has finally come to fruition, thanks to a little help from ThinkGeek. The 8" tall orange tabby comes with his own little tee and piano, and is a great gift for friends, family, significant others, coworkers, and anyone else who needs to be played off.

The famous musical feline rose to fame in 2009, after a 20+ year old video of Charlie Schmidt's cat, Fatso, found its ways on to YouTube. The original clip has over 31 million views to date, and remains one of the most beloved viral cat videos of all time.

The Keyboard Cat Animtronic Plush, a ThinkGeek exclusive, is available now for $34.99. A relatively small price to pay to own a little a piece of internet cat history.
Via ThinkGeek

I must get one!! Not only to own a piece of internet cat history, as you said, but because it always makes me laugh. And that is priceless!
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