Forget YouTube videos and cat food commercials. Reigning feline internet queen, Grumpy Cat™, has proven once again that she's much more than just a pretty face by signing her first movie development deal, Deadline reports.
Tardar Sauce's reps (she has more than one, obviously) have teamed up with producers Todd Garner and Sean Robins, to develop what is being described as a "Garfield-like" live action feature film, starring a living, breathing, and talking Grumpy Cat (they do know that Garfield is a cartoon, and cats can't really talk, right?).
While no other specific details have been revealed, Garner opined to Deadline, “This started off as a picture of a cat, but rare is an image that evokes that much comedy. You read all of the memes and the comments, and one is funnier than the next. We think we can build a big family comedy around this character.”
Most people (and by most, I mean me) would gladly fork down their hard earned cat food cash to sit and watch Grumps nap in a sun puddle for two hours, so I'm sure this movie will be great. Just as they don't give her a creepy voice and ruin the whole thing.
Go and get yours, Tardar Sauce.
Via Deadline / Image: Facebook (The Official Grumpy Cat)

No surprise! Heard recently her owner has made over $100,000 already with Tardar.......just a matter of time til she is worth millions!
I'm with you on the "voice" thing
I would totally see her movie. I love Grumpy Cat!
Sue B
I met Tard in person at BEA yesterday and I'll be posting my scoop about her on Monday. She's going to be huge!
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