Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's Caturday!

Today we have a good old fashioned Caturday roundup, with not one, not two, not even three - but FOUR, yes four dazzling felines who will make you kick your paws up and pawty like it's 1999!

First up, we have a submission from the land down under!

Miss Miah had her Mom Jannie fire up the computer so she could personally type me a little note with her own two paws! Let's sit back and learn a little more about this chatty kitty.

Miah paw-types:

"My name is Miah and I live in Melbourne, Australia. Every day is a Caturday for girls as good looking as me! (Ed note: True!) I start my day by walking around Mummy's head at 6am and getting a cuddle from Daddy. I then get served Fancy Feast Royale in a silver bowl before hanging out with my friends, the Fluffies (a family of cats from two doors down), on the kitty kat superhighway (the brick wall at the back of my garden). In the evening I sit on Mummy's lap and make her watch Keyboard Cat.

Everyone thinks I should be a model because I am ridiculously good looking. I have to say that I agree. When I mention that I'm seven no one can believe it because I am just so good looking and slim."

It sounds like Miah lives quite the charmed kitty life! And with her ultra-long whiskers and azure diamond colored eyes, she's the next Cindy Cat-ford for sure! Seven-years-old, you say? Why, you don't look a day over three!


Next up, reader Chris writes in from Germany:

"Here are two of my (five) little ones: Bonni (left) & Luna (right). They always want to be close to me which gets a little cramped on my desk when I want to work (okok play) on my PC. :)

But don’t we just love them for that?!"

Indeed we do Chris, indeed we do! I must also note that immediately after receiving this email I got another one from the same address requesting catnip and tuna, so I'm wondering who really did the typing here! I love sweet Bonni doing her best innocent kitty "paws up" pose, and Luna is just keeping the keys warm for you! Who doesn't want to bury their nose in that marshmallow tummy floof?


And last, but certainly not least, Karen wrote in telling us: "Daisy can't wait for Caturday!"

Well, she sure looks comfy in her posh little bed! It's true that napping all week is tough work for kitties, and Caturday can't come soon enough! Get this pretty lady a catnip-tini, stat!


Very special thanks to Jannie, Chris, and Kathy for submitting pics of their gorgeous cats this week! With all of the snow we've been getting on the East Coast, I just want to hibernate in my apartment with a bunch of warm kitties, and these four lovelies do the trick!

Want to see your cat(s) on Catsparella? I'm looking for submissions for my weekly Caturday post! Email your best kitty pics to, and include the cat's name and anything else you'd like to add. I can't wait to hear from you!


  1. Oooo, Sam & I hung on every word and every photo of all those gorgeous fur-babes. Our mom is draggin' this morning and only now on her way downstairs to make her coffee. The last words she said were, "In my next life, I want to come back as a cat." What could she mean by that?

  2. I love your blog, catsparella and your introductions! It's so nice to meet kitties from all over. What a great idea!

    Have a good weekend!


  3. Hello!
    Very interesting post!Yes I agree ,It is nice to meet kittens from all over.
    What a wonderful idea!

  4. They are really gorgeous and very special, thanks for sharing them!

  5. Love to see all the cats. Your blog is lots of fun so I am a new follower from Ottawa, Canada. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5

  6. Oh they are all very gorgeous. Bonni and Luna camping on the desk are so cute! I would love to bury my face in that marshmallow tummy floof!

  7. Caturday Cats - what a great idea!!!! Gorgeous looking Cats Catsparella!

  8. Cute kitty cats! I'll have to remember to send some pics next Saturday!

  9. Always love meeting new cats. Hey, thanks for the purrs for Au. He ate some roast chicken and some salmon treats. Crossing fingers he's turned the corner.

  10. I love the cats on the keyboard pic! What a collection of fine felines! I keep forgetting to send you pics for Caturday....need to put it on my to-do list. I love these posts :)

  11. Thsnkks for stopping by snd joining us for weekend cat blogging! It's nice to meet you,

  12. Hehe fab photos! I have 2 cats (brothers) and one of them loves being on the computer with me, the other loves sleeping all day! So I can relate well hehe.

    It was my first time taking part in weekend cat blogging and that's how I found your blog :)

  13. Nice to meet you Champ! Happy Caturday (now Happy Easter)
