Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Asian Inspired Cat Hats

Today I stumbled upon Shan329's Etsy cat hat boutique, and the Asian inspired, handmade designs are just too amazing not to share. These aren't just cat hats, they're tiny works of art! Unfortunately, the shop only has one hat currently for sale, but if you're really interested, you can probably message the seller to make a special request. Not gonna lie, I want the Geisha hat for myself! Do I sense a line of Catsparella cat hats in the future?


  1. What great talent!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  2. Mom said She want to see me wear the FISH one...Is that insulting ?

  3. Poor kittehs, subjected to wearin bean stuffs - no wonder da white kitteh has a "I will has revenge" look in the panda and fishy hat. MOL The mom finks da hats are kyoot of course, but we told her NO way is she goin to put it on us, she'd has better luck wif Jake!

  4. They are very nice hats - but we UK cats don't do hats!
